
賴錦緣 教師

賴錦緣 教師 基本資料表














  1. Chin-Yuan Lai, Li-Ju Chen, Yung-Chin Yen, Kai-Yin Lin (2020). Impact of video annotation on undergraduate nursing students’ communication performance and commenting behavior during an online peer-assessment activity. Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, 36(2), 71-88. (SSCI).
  2. 高慧君, 王一哲, 石明豐, 賴錦緣(2019)。VPhysics跨領域課程設計。物理教育學刊,20 (1 ),14-25。
  3. Chin-Yuan Lai, Yung-Chin Yen (2018). Using mobile devices to support cognitive apprenticeship in clinical nursing practice–a case study. Interactive Technology and Smart Education, https://doi.org/10.1108/ITSE-02-2018-0008.
  4. 賴錦緣, 陳勝美(2018)。運用網路同儕互評促進護理溝通技巧。數位學習科技期刊,10(2),59-85 (TSSCI)。
  5. Kai-Yin Lin, Yi-Chen Yang, Chin-Yuan Lai (2017). The use of Quick Response Codes for teaching pharmacology to college nursing students in Taiwan. CIN: Computers, Informatics, Nursing, 35(3), 152-157. (SSCI)
  6. Chin-Yuan Lai (2016). Training nursing students' communication skills with online video peer assessment. Computers & Education, 97, 21-30. (SSCI).
  7. Chin-Yuan Lai, Cheng-Chih Wu (2016). Promoting nursing students’ clinical learning through a mobile e-Portfolio. CIN: Computers, Informatics, Nursing, 34(11), 535-543. (SSCI)
  8. 賴錦緣(2016)。Alice程式設計環境中配對與個別之學習成效比較。中科大學報暨教育特刊,3(1),177-190。
  9. 賴錦緣, 陳勝美, 吳正己(2015)。概念圖表徵形式對護理學生批判思考的影響。教育實踐與研究,28(1),1-32。(TSSCI)。
  10. 賴錦緣, 陳勝美 (2013). 融入批判思考策略與工具之網路學習環境對護生臨床實習之影響. 科學教育學刊, 21(2), 163-188. (TSSCI).
  11. Chin-Yuan Lai, Cheng-Chih Wu (2012). Supporting Nursing Students’ Critical Thinking With a Mobile Web Learning Environment . Nurse Educator, 37(6), 236-237. (SSCI).
  12. Wu, C.-C. & Lai, C.-Y. (2009). Wireless handhelds to support clinical nursing practicum. Educational Technology & Society, 12卷2期,190-204. (SSCI).
  13. Lai, C.-Y. & Wu, C.-C* (2006). Using handhelds in a Jigsaw cooperative learning environment. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 22期,P.284-P.297. (SSCI).
  14. 賴錦緣(2005):行動載具的教學應用初探。中等教育,56(2), 18-28。
  15. 賴錦緣、吳正己、何榮桂(2001):新加坡資訊科技建設計畫。資訊與教育,81,93-104。
  16. 賴錦緣(2001):ISTE 的教師教育科技標準及其對師資培育資訊課程規劃之啟示。資訊與教育,85,45-54。
  17. 賴錦緣、吳正己 (1999):網路科技與師資培育。資訊與教育,73,48-59。榮獲資訊與教育雜誌年度優良文章獎。
  18. 吳正己、賴錦緣(1999):電子導師對職前教師網路論壇討論之影響。亞太教師教育及發展學報(Asia-Pacific Journal of Teacher Education Development, APJTED),2 (1),75-86。
  19. 何榮桂、吳正己、賴錦緣、籃玉如(1999):各國資訊教育課程實施概況及其對九年一貫資訊課程的啟示。課程與教學季刊,2 (4),43-60。


  1. 科技部計畫(主持人):註記科技支援程式設計翻轉教學之研究(109-2511-H-025 -001 -)
  2. 科技部計畫(主持人):數學教育之STEM程式設計課程開發與評估(108-2511-H-025 -001-)
  3. 科技部計畫(主持人):支援多重表徵教學與翻轉教室之線上多媒體註記系統開發、成效評估與推廣(107-2511-H-025 -001-)
  4. 科技部計畫(主持人):促進中學女教師程式設計能力(106-2630-S-025-001-)
  5. 科技部計畫(主持人):培養大專女學生網頁程式設計能力(105-2630-S-025-001-)
  6. 科技部計畫(主持人):促進大專女學生電腦科學學習興趣(104-2630-S-025-001-)
  7. 科技部計畫(主持人):結合網路同儕互評與影片註記於護理溝通訓練之研究:系統發展、教學模式設計與成效評估(102-2511-S-025-001-MY2)
  8. 國科會計畫(主持人):運用Podcasting支援護理溝通教學之研究(NSC 100-2511-S-025-004-
  9. 國科會計畫(主持人):運用行動載具促進護理批判反思之教學模式設計與評估(NSC 98-2511-S-438-001-MY2)
  10. 國科會計畫(主持人):行動化e-portfolio在臨床護理教學之應用(NSC 97-2511-S-438-001)
  11. 國科會計畫(共同主持人):一對一學習環境下師生的互動行為分析(NSC 97-2511-S-003-009-MY3)
  12. 國科會計畫(主持人):應用行動載具支援護校學生臨床實習(NSC 95-2520-S-438-001)


  1. Chin-Yuan Lai and Sheng-Mei Chen (2019, Oct). Nursing students’ listening skills: Effects of online peer assessment. 7th World Congress on Nursing and Healthcare , Osaka, Japan.
  2. Shih-Feng Tsai, Chin-Yuan Lai, Sheng-Mei Chen (2016, May). Using web-based peer assessment to promote English speaking skills. 2016 Conference on Applied English-ESP Teaching and Cross-Cultural Communication, 台灣台中.
  3. Chin-Yuan Lai, Sheng-Mei Chen, Shih-Feng Tsai (2015, Jul). Using podcasting to train nursing students’ communication skills. 12th International Conference on Innovation in Education, 波蘭克拉科.
  4. Chin-Yuan Lai, Sheng-Mei Chen (2014, Jul). Nursing Students’ on-line Self-assessment to Improve Communication Skills. The 11th International Conference on Innovation in Education, 法國巴黎.
  5. Chin-Yuan Lai, Sheng-Mei Chen, Cheng-Chih Wu (2012, Sep). Using drama in nursing students’ communication training. Netwoking for Education in Healthcare(NET 2012), 英國劍橋.
  6. Lai, C.-Y, Chen, S.-M. & Wu, C.-C. (2011). Enabling nursing students’ critical thinking with mindtools. Paper presented at the 2th International Conference on Education and Educational Technology (EET 2011), Chengdu, China, October 1-2.
  7. Chen S.-M. & Lai, C.-Y. (2011). Using clinical reasoning web to support nursing students’ case conceptualization. Paper presented at The 5th International Conference on Excellence in Education: Giftedness-Creativity-Development, Istanbul, Turkey, July 7-9.
  8. Lai, C.-Y., Wu, C.-C., & Chen S.-M. (2010). A mobile e-portfolio to support the clinical nursing practicum. Paper presented at Asia-Pacific Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning, Osaka, Japan, September 24-26.
  9. Lai, C.-Y., Wu, C.-C., & Chen S.-M. (2009). Development and Evaluation of a handheld supported cognitive apprenticeship environment. International Congress of Science Education, Cartagena, Colombia, July 15-18
  10. Wu, C.-C., Chang, J.-F., Shieh, Y.-J. & Lai, C.-Y. (2009). Exploring the effects of pair-programming in the high school computer science laboratory. International Congress of Science Education, Cartagena, Colombia, July 15-18
  11. Wu, C.-C., Hsu, P.-C., & Lai, C.-Y. (2008). Handhelds in a science classroom- Analysis of students’ achievement, attitudes, and interaction. The 3rd International Conference on Interactive Mobile and Computer Aided Learning (IMCL 2008), April 16-18, 2008, Amman, Jordan.
  12. Lai, C.-Y., Wu, C.-C., & Chen S.-M. (2007). Exploring peer interactive behaviors in a handheld Jigsaw classroom. IADIS Mobile Learning 2007, Lisbon, Portugal, July 5-7. (Outstanding paper award)
  13. Lai, C.-Y., Wu, C.-C., & Chen S.-M. (2006). A mobile learning environment to support the clinical nursing practicum. Paper presented at E-Learn 2006, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, October 3-17. (Outstanding paper award)
  14. 賴錦緣、吳正己、陳勝美(2005):運用PDA支援認知學徒之學習。第二十一屆科學教育學術研討會。國立彰化師範大學。
  15. Lai, C.Y., Wu, C. C., Kao, H. C., Chen, S. M. (2005). Using a handheld concept-mapping tool for collaborative learning. NECC2005, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, June 27-30.
  16. Kuo, H. C., Wu, C. C., Lee, G. C., & Lai, C. Y. (2005). Incorporating online streaming video into preservice teachers’ peer assessment process. NECC2005, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, June 27-30. (Poster)
  17. 陳得和、吳正己、賴錦緣、賴皇觀(2005):運用概念圖輔助學生電腦概念學習之行動研究。GCCCE2005, Hawaii, USA, June 6- 9.
  18. 賴皇觀、吳正己、賴錦緣(2003):高中電腦教科書精緻化應用分析。Proceedings of GCCCE 2003(pp.695-698), Nanjing, China, 7-9 Dec 2003.
  19. Wu, C.-C., Lai, H.-K., Lee, G. C. & Lai, C.-Y. (2003). Using concept maps to analyze the presentation of CPU concepts in high school computer textbook. Proceedings of m-ICTE 2003 (pp.1865-1869), Badajoz, Spain, 3-6 Dec.
  20. Wu, C.-C., Lai, C.-Y., Lee, G. C. (2001). Communication styles of mentoring in an electronic forum. Proceedings of ED-MEDIA 2001 (pp. 2077-2082), Tampere, Finland.
  21. 賴錦緣、陳勝美(2000):應用網路多媒體教材於高職護理教學。第十四屆CAI研討會得獎論文。
  22. 賴錦緣、吳正己(2000):網路論壇電子導師之引導風格。 GCCCE 2000論文集第二卷,762-769。新加坡。
  23. Ho, R.-G., Wu, C.-C., Lan, Y.-R., Lai, C.-Y. (2000). The design of the computer curricular essential in the elementary and junior high school in Taiwan. Proceedings of GCCCE 2000.Singapore.


  1. IADIS行動學習國際研討會傑出論文獎(Mobile Learning 2007)
  2. AACE 數位學習國際研討會傑出論文獎(E-Learn 2006)
  3. 資訊與教育雜誌年度優良文章獎(1999)

